Wednesday, December 2, 2009

final semester drawings for class

One on the Bottom is going to be colored digitally for the final. 

Monday, October 19, 2009

some projectz

Here are two projects from school.  Self portrait/celeb portrait.
The 1 of chino is unfinished, both these pictures are crap phone pictures. 

Thursday, September 17, 2009

a sketch for class

Monday, June 22, 2009

get serviced

it's called being bored at my excuse for a job. out of all the haters, my favorite calls are from WI. their accents alone will keep me happy until at least 2 minutes later. its kind of sad how exciting markers and colored pens are in certain situations such as this

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

blah blah

major lack of doing anything when i had time, now im working full time but i decided my next project is to paint chino. and then start saving for miami.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

more things

An old Sketch, just to matchy up the colors of this post.

My anatomy hand final. pencil, colored pencil, airbrush ink+gauche. Finals were a miserable time. PEACE

some thangss

sock puppet anatomy. suckk. don't look at the thumb, let it be known i did this before!!! learning hand bones... yeeahh

self portrait in the style of a Frida Kahlo painting

hairy Vs. bald. opposites project

and finally, my old master recreation. Caravaggio's David w/ the head of Goliath reborn as a lucha libre. 

Friday, May 8, 2009


the final for now. 


doin its thing.   The color-in-progress for under the outline. I'll probably tweak the outline color

Thursday, May 7, 2009


of a new project. small stuff

Monday, April 27, 2009

some shit

pictorial postage stamp project. Salvador dali painting a pin up hitler. pre-fix

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Valentine's Day gift for Scott

Prisma color marker and watercolor bg. 

Monday, January 19, 2009

Sisters of Mayhem

I did some work for a roller derby team called the Sisters of Mayhem.  I did two sketches for them, the first one wasn't really the right feel so we went with a second as an illustration for a promotional poster. check them out!

old from sketchbook

sort of old from sketchbook. i want to do something more with it i don't know what yet. I think this one will have something more intricate/delicate to it overlapping.

final Pictorial assignment for the fall semester

to illustrate " a strange day in july".  I  still want to go back into it and finish the coloring more. 

2 assignments and a sketchbook page

starting this up